When they say opposites attract, they might well be talking about the wealthy Texas couple John Thrash and his wife, Becca Cason Thrash. While Mr. Thrash, a green energy entrepreneur and wonk architecture, sometimes hides from the spotlight, his wife admits she courts it shamelessly. “He cultivates his anonymity. I walk into a room and I’m like, “Hello! Where are the photographers?” she says.

In some way, their elaborate Texas home, slated to come up for auction next month with a guide price of $19.5 million, is the physical manifestation of those differences. when Mr. Thrash, 68, built the home in the late 1990s, inspired by his love for the work of both Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Frank Lloyd Wright. He envisioned doing some entertaining, but he didn’t count on the property becoming Houston’s party central.

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