The national Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 ends on May 11, 2023.

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The end of the public health emergency brings a variety of changes to the healthcare system.

Most of the remaining federal COVID-19 vaccine requirements will end for federal workers, contractors and foreign air travelers.

The government is also lifting requirements for Head Start educators and healthcare workers.

Free COVID-19 vaccines and tests will no longer be provided and will now be covered under traditional health insurance.

The end of the PHE also means that many of the waivers who were in place will no longer exist. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) waived many requirements during the pandemic to allow for flexibility, including Stark Law waivers, 1135 waivers, and telehealth coverage changes.

However, HHS announced that many of the telehealth flexibilities will remain in place for some time.

It is essential for you to make sure that your healthcare practice is compliant with all regulations, especially those who were waived during the PHE.

It is likely that they will face increased scrutiny in future government audits.

We recommend that you review your compliance plan and make sure it is up to date. Now is also a good time to perform an audit with your healthcare attorney.

If you need help with your compliance plan or audit, we can help. Contact Rickard & Associates today.

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